We should never mistake the glory of God for a mere touch. Today,
God wants to come and build a habitation in our lives and not just for a mere visitation. God is hurt when we live as though
we are still in the time of the Old Testament. In those days, the Spirit of the Lord only came upon Gods appointed leaders
and particularly related to the nation of Israel. The reason is that God was establishing a nation as a platform for Him to
send His Son, Jesus Christ. After the Book of Acts, we know that God has given us His Holy Spirit. Today, we have the fullness
of the Holy Spirit and we should live and behave accordingly. We are no longer without the divine authority and therefore
we should apply this in our daily walk.
The Lord wants us to remain in His zone of glory. That is where the
Shekinah glory of God resides. When we sin against the Lord, we have moved out of that zone of glory. Sin is acting
independently of God. Therefore we are no longer under Gods jurisdiction and we become fair game to the devil. Whenever we
do not sense the Shepherd then it is we who have gone astray. When we cry to God, Where are you? God will ask, Who move out
of my zone of glory? We stray easily and so it is vital to keep a sharp lookout and see where the Shepherd is walking. We
should remind ourselves that if we unwittingly sinned or made terrible mistakes, we should consciously return to the zone
of glory.
In Romans 12:1-2: Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's
mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be
able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. We are to offer ourselves as sacrifices
at Gods altar. Why? Because it is our spiritual act of worship!
The presence of the Lord at the altar is different from His regular
presence. The presence is especially manifest and focus at the altar. Where is this altar? It is our heart! You are the only
person who can establish your own personal altar within you. We no longer depend upon the external altar at a physical temple
for we have become the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). The temple cannot be without an altar. We build the
altar within and the Lord will come to dwell. An altar is not an altar until there are sacrifices. Even though the great sacrifice
was the Lord Jesus, the word of God still insists that we offer our whole beings as living sacrifices.
When Elijah cast his cloak over the shoulders of Elisha, it was not
a mere divine touch but a divine claim (1 Kings 19). Elisha was no longer his own master, doing his own tasks and running
his own life. He was to give up his oxen, his farm and perform the spiritual work of a prophet. Embodied within the cloak
was the manifest presence of the Lord and thus Elisha could part the water of the River Jordan with it (2 Kings 2:8). The
Lord sometimes chooses to attach his manifestation to a person or object.
Gods calling does not depend upon our convenience. Elisha was in the
midst of plowing the field when he was called. God has a way of calling the busiest and most successful people. When the divine
mantle is placed upon you, then whatever you are doing now should become second place. You must never miss the divine opportunity
opened to you for it will pass if you do not respond to it. Evangelist Katherine Khulman claimed that when God gave her the
gift of healing, God told her that she was the fifth person whom He had called. The other four had rejected Gods gift of healing.
Therefore, whenever you sense His divine presence, Shekinah glory, you should chase after it. Like Elisha, you must be willing
to give up your lucrative career and find why has the presence of God visited your field. Paul the Apostle said, I press on
that I may lay hold of that Christ laid hold of me. Let us press on today and become keenly aware of the Shekinah glory of
the Lord. Is God visiting your field today?